Tidbits for Teachers are regular SHORT inspirations and tips to bring hope and encouragement to teachers  in all settings. I hope to give you a shot in the arm and remind you why you chose this career in the first place.

Conference Days

Conference days are long and full of stress.  A balancing act between telling the truth gently, and getting the point across.  Not every meeting is smooth sailing and it takes tact to successfully navigate the more delicate ones.  Then there are the meetings that are a pleasure to have.  If only every conference could go with ease, but just as every student is different so is every parent.  Some require kid gloves, some are not very respectful, and thankfully there are some who gifts to teachers.  Their encouragement and support is a treasure.  As you approach the day, and fill your mind with positive thoughts, remember to thank those parents who back you up.  The others?  Pray to survive them intact.

Take a deep breath, put on your best teacher smile, word everything you say carefully, and go forth like the front line warriors you are. You got this. May the force be with you.

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